how to create your own freedom

How To Create Your Own Freedom

December 06, 20245 min read

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The Flex Reset: How to achieve meaningful success in the next 3-6 months, without having to rip your life apart and start again:

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” - Oscar Wilde

Our generation are feeling more lost and stuck than ever before.

In a time where 'freedom' should be easier to achieve than ever, people have never felt so trapped.

But this isn't surprising to me.

Our constant exposure to people 'flexing' is screwing with our minds.

We are slowly losing the ability to think for ourselves and decide what matters to us.

This leads to a cycle of dissatisfaction as we chase goals based on what the people are 'flexing', rather than what is important to us.

I should know. I've felt this myself.

In our world we often see…

The '£10k months', flashy cars, designer accessories, and business class flights.

These distract and misalign us from what is important.

After noticing myself feeling 'stuck' - I found a way to create my own freedom, and as a result, I feel more successful than ever.

how to break free and create your own freedom

3 Steps to Win in Life (and Business)

It's time to wake up and notice what's happening.

Most people aren't lacking 'success', they're lacking clarity.

Their lack of clarity means that they aren't even sure what 'success' means to them anymore.

In Fitness, we know this better than most.

We see the effects of people chasing fitness goals that aren't their own. 

We've witnessed countless people start their journey for one reason, only to realise that it's something else that matters most to them.

That's why Fitness can be a great 'Self Development' or 'Self Discovery' journey.

We're so distracted and moulded by what everyone else is doing that many of us no longer have a clear set of answers to the question…

"What do you want?"

Let's fix that in 3 simple steps…

1. To start, you have to stop

Start by ignoring everyone else’s “flexes” and focusing on what truly matters to you. If need be, take a break from social media or unfollow the accounts that leave you feeling uncertain about things.

2. Use inversion if neccessary

If you struggle to get clear on what you want and what's important to you, take the opposite approach. Start by deciding what you DON'T want and use that framework to get clearer on what you DO want. 

3. Create the roadmap

Once you have a clearer idea of where you're heading, map out the journey - that's a big part of what I help people do with my 1-1 Coaching. This process involves planning out what your business will look like, what your diary will look like, the amount of time-off you will take, and other factors important to you.

It's time to think differently, which means thinking for ourselves

I'd like to give you some insight in to my own experience of going through this process…

The realisation that I could create my own freedom changed everything. 

I could drive a fancy car if I wanted—I can afford it—but I’ve decided it’s not what’s important to me. Instead, I choose to spend my money on things that bring my family joy and create lasting memories.

Recently, that meant taking a trip to Disneyland Paris. We treated our parents so they could join us, and we splurged on fast passes so we didn’t have to spend our time queuing for rides. 

That’s what success looks like for us: adventure, experiences, and moments we’ll never forget. 

(It's also an example of what I mentioned earlier about knowing what you DON'T want. In this case, it was avoiding standing in queues for hours with two young children!)

This trip was the 5th time we've been away with our children this year. We did have a 6th trip planned but that was cancelled due to me needing unplanned eye surgery. 

It’s the same reason I’ve chosen to work fewer hours, even though I could earn more if I put in extra time. I’ve purposely built my day around school hours so I can walk my kids to school in the morning, pick them up in the afternoon, and play lego with them in the evening. 

Being present as a dad is far more valuable to me than any extra income. My wife has done the same with her work to ensure she’s present and flexible as a mum.

Ironically, these extra constraints on our 'working day' often lead to increased productivity - but that's a topic for another day!

This is what success looks like for us—living intentionally and prioritising what truly matters, rather than getting caught up in someone else’s version of what life should be. 

And because we’ve made these choices, our lives feel deeply fulfilling and aligned with what we care about most. That’s a “flex” I’m proud to own.

You can create your own freedom

I've shared these insights at this time of year for a reason.

The end of the year is often a time of reflection, whilst simultaneously being a time for optimism about what the new year may bring.

As mentioned earlier on, I encourage you to think differently.

You do that by thinking for yourself.

Whether it's setting goals, forming new habits, setting intentions for the year, or having a 'loose' vision for your life - make it your own.

Before you go...

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I've used Fitness to build a flexible business that gives me the lifestyle and freedom I care about most. I'd love to teach you how to do the same.

Matt Robinson

I've used Fitness to build a flexible business that gives me the lifestyle and freedom I care about most. I'd love to teach you how to do the same.

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